- 馬可波羅窖藏實驗室 – MPC.Lab包桶:成吉思汗(The Emperor Genghis Khan), Glenturret, 1986/2017, 30yo, Cask#344, Hogshead, 50.5%
台灣友人社團的包桶,據友人言:「馬可波羅素以熱情、專業、以及購買力聞名。奔放且明顯的老酒香氣正能襯托出社團的熱情與專業的選酒能力。破天荒的包下高年份酒且能完售則是展現出社團的強大購買力」(原句來的,Mr. J沒刪減一字,哈哈)。選這個桶的源起是酒商豪邁進了一批有質素的桶子,在VIP買貨以後,還有些可釋出,於是就聯絡不同社團看看他們有沒有興趣包桶作社酒。馬可波羅包括友人的幹部四人組便出發到台北試sample,到達時友人說那桶的sample只餘下不到10ml了;四人中只有兩人能品飲(因為餘量太少了),其他的只有聞香的份子。品飲完友人馬上下的結論是:「老酒該有的風味它都有,就是這支了!」聞說當時馬可波羅的社長在旁邊冒冷汗,因為他要負責出錢(笑)。
友人提醒包桶要注意的地方,就是在橡木桶中上下層的風味可能會有差異,取sample前最好要求負責人先將桶內的酒攪混一下,這樣sample的酒與裝瓶後的風味品質會較一致。Mr. J帶了一瓶回來,實在要恭喜馬可波羅窖藏實驗室 – MPC.Lab!你們挑了一支好利害的酒!
Ethanol sense is a bit too much at first. And then slightly after, alluring fruity sourness! Must say, the kickoff of the nose is extremely good! Afterwards, there’re lemon tart, and sourer-than-usual Taiwanese pineapple cake, the aroma is steady and has the character of well matured old whiskies. Let it rest for another 10mins, it starts to appear honey-orange fruit punch, Australian watermelon cake (with a touch of creaminess), and then hint of green plum at the back, with some herby honey too. High quality stuff!
First mouth is honey cake, where the honey with some weight is still flowing on the cake surface. Wow! Ripe fruits sweetness, unlike the usual malt sweetness. Maybe due to the high ABV, tongue gets a bit paralyzed. And slowly, some flavouring spices are detected.
Finish is medium-short, it’s like when two lovers are breaking up, but one of them simply walked away without a word. Mr. J thinks this is a bit of a downfall for the whisky. The short finish is dominated by fruity sweetness, accompanied by a little woody bitterness; but interestingly, all the flavouring spices disappeared quickly. Overall, the nose has excellent layers forming great complexity, and is exactly the style Mr. J likes, the alluring fruity sourness certainly owns me. Palate is relatively simple, but it is not a bad thing; particularly after the intensive nosing workout, the simple and easy palate can act as relief period for our tasting interval training program. This allows you to comfortably enjoy the dram. If the finish could be a little bit longer, I say this is a flawless one. However, there are always bummers in life; or should I say, living without defects, is no life at all?