2020年10月20日 星期二


Rimsky Korsakov 林姆斯基.高沙可夫

交響組曲/天方夜譚 Scheherazade Suite

俄羅斯復活節序曲 Russia Easter (Festival) Overture

荷西.賽勒布理耶 (烏拉圭指揮) Jose Serebrier / London philharmonic Orchestra

史文荷登 (小提琴)

RR89, Keith O. Johnson到英國Whatford Colosseum錄音

symphonic suite after the thousand and one nights, op.35 

1. op. 35: I. the sea and sinbad's ship

2. op. 35: II. the tale and the kalender prince

3. op. 35: III. the young prince and the young princess

4. op. 35: IV. the sea: the ship goes to pieces on a rock surmounted by a bronze warrior

The Great Russian easter

5. overture on liturgical themes, op.36

Stravinsky Le sacre du printemps 春之祭

Boulez 還滿爆棚

Decca Gergiev葛濟夫

Gatti蓋提 RCO(荷蘭皇家管弦樂團)
